시스템 정보 출력 - MT.exe
2008. 11. 18. 13:40
-filter ---Change TCP/IP filter to on/off status.
-addport ---Add ports to the filter' allowed portlist.
-setport ---Set ports as the filter' allowed portlist.
-nicinfo ---List TCP/IP interface info.
-pslist ---List active processes.
-pskill ---Kill a specified process.
-dlllist ---List dlls of a specified process.
-sysinfo ---List system info.
-shutdown ---Shutdown system.
-reboot ---Reboot system.
-poweroff ---Turn off power.
-logoff ---Logoff current user's session.
Used in an interactive logon session only.
-chkts ---Check Terminal Service info.
-setupts ---Install Terminal Service.
-remts ---Remove Terminal Service.
-chgtsp ---Reset Terminal Service port.
-clog ---Clean system log.
-enumsrv ---List all services.
-querysrv ---List detail info of a specified service.
-instsrv ---Install a service.
-cfgsrv ---Changes the configuration of a service.
-remsrv ---Remove a specified service.
-startsrv ---Start a specified service.
-stopsrv ---Stop a specified service.
-netget ---Download from http/ftp.
-redirect ---Port redirect.
-chkuser ---List all account、sid and anti clone.
-clone ---Clone from admin to dest.
-never ---Set account looks like never logged on.
-killuser ---Del account. Even "guest" account.
-su ---Run process as Local_System privilege.
Usage: mt.exe -su [File] ----Default run cmd.exe
-findpass ---Show all logged on user's pass.
-netstat ---List TCP connections.
-killtcp ---Kill TCP connection.
-psport ---Map ports to processes.
-touch ---Set the file times for a specified file.
-secdel ---Secure delete files and directory or zap free space.
-regshell ---Enter a console registry editor.
-chkdll ---Detect gina dll backdoor.