
ip relay perl program

레곤플라이 2008. 11. 18. 13:37


# $Id: ip_relay.pl,v 1.13 2000/05/27 07:37:19 gavin Exp $
# ip_relay.pl
# Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Gavin Stewart

# ip_relay
# Utility to act as intermediate relay, currently for tcp packets only.
# All relayed streams may be shaped to a total allowable bandwidth,
# i.e. traffic shaping.
# This utility is designed to be used in user-space, and has no
# security measures to authenticate user access.
# See README for mre information.

use strict;
use POSIX;
use Socket;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Std;

# ** Default settings for variables setable within shell.

# ip_relay host.
$main::local_addrs = "";  # - used for multihomed / aliased hosts.
$main::force_from = "";  # - used for multihomed / aliased hosts.

# others.
$main::debug = 1;  #Do we dump messages?
$main::dump_traff = 0;  #Dump traff we pass.
$main::idle_out = 3000;  #Client AND server.
$main::dead_count = 10;  #Client OR server.
$main::data_size = 500; #how much data to read and write each loop.
$main::bandwidth = 0; #in bytes / sec.

# remember which vars are "shell setable".
my (@all_vars);
@all_vars = ("local_addrs", "force_from", "debug", "dump_traff",
  "idle_out", "dead_count", "data_size", "bandwidth");

# ** Default settings for non-setable variables.
my $app_name = "ip_relay.pl"; #Application name.
my $version = "0.71";  #Application version number.
my $max_listen_bind_attempts = 20; #Max no. attempts to bind to local_addrs
         #and local_port.
my $forward_select_time = 0.01;    #At least some delay needed.
my $qlen = 5;  #how long to let the connect queue grow.
my $daemonise = 0; #gets set from command line, no console, no output.

# ** Other global vars.
my $time_now;  #Variable containing the "currentish" time.
my $skew_percent; #To adjust actual bandwidth rate more accuratly.
my $last_skew;
my %forwarders;  #List of forwarding rules.
my @forwarders_queue; #Forwarders queued for "local binding".
my $conn_key = "CONN000000"; #unique connection identifier.
my %connections; #List of all current connections.
my $CURR_CONN;  #Holds the current $conn_key

$SIG{PIPE} = \&_pipe_handler;
$SIG{INT} = \&cleanup_handler;
$SIG{KILL} = \&cleanup_handler;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&cleanup_handler;

if ($#ARGV >= 0) {  #someone used command line "fast setup".
    if (! &parse_param) {
        print "Usage: $0 [ [-d] [-b n] local_port:remote_host:remote_port]\n";
 print "    -d        Daemon mode, go straight into background.\n";
 print "              (you loose all logging and console access.)\n";
 print "    -b n      Bandwidth, where n is max bytes/sec.\n";
 exit (1);


if ($daemonise) {
    my $child_id = fork();
    if (! defined ($child_id)) {
        die ("Fork failed...die-ing: $!\n");
    } else {
     if (! $child_id) {
     close (STDIN);
     close (STDOUT); #should we open this to /dev/null ?
     close (STDERR);
 } else {
     exit (0); #Succesful fork of child, parent work is completed.

fcntl(STDIN, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #dont make our STDIN "block"
print "> ";
$last_skew=time;  #I have to init this someplace.
while (1) {
    $time_now = time;  #For functions that use time a lot.
    select(undef, undef, undef, $forward_select_time);

exit (0);

sub print_version {
    print STDERR "\n$app_name Version: $version\n";
    print STDERR "Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Gavin Stewart\n\n";

sub parse_param {
   use vars qw/ $opt_d $opt_b /; #For getopts.
   #print "Args: ".join(",", @ARGV)."\n";
   #print "opt_d: $opt_d\n";
   #print "opt_b: $opt_b\n";
   $daemonise = 1 if ($opt_d);
   $main::bandwidth = $opt_b if ($opt_b);
   #print "Args: ".join(",", @ARGV)."\n";

   #After getopts, we expect to just have our "quick" command line.
   if ($ARGV[0] =~ /(\d+):([^:]+):(\d+)/) {
 my ($local_port, $remote_addrs, $remote_port)=($1,$2,$3);
 my ($res_addrs) = resolve($remote_addrs);
 if (! $res_addrs) {
     $remote_addrs = "";
     return (0);
 $remote_addrs = $res_addrs;
 $forwarders{99}{LOCAL_PORT} = $local_port;
 $forwarders{99}{REMOTE_ADDRS} = $remote_addrs;
 $forwarders{99}{REMOTE_PORT} = $remote_port;
 push(@forwarders_queue, 99);

        print STDERR "Useing command line parameters:\n";
        print STDERR "  local_port\t$local_port\n";
        print STDERR "  remote_addrs\t$remote_addrs\n";
        print STDERR "  remote_port\t$remote_port\n";
 print STDERR "  bandwidth\t$main::bandwidth\n";
 print STDERR "  forwarder 99 set.\n\n";
 return (1);
   } else {
        if ($daemonise || $main::bandwidth) {
     print "\nIt only makes sense to use -d and -b with local_port:remote_host:remote_port !\n\n";
 return (0);

sub check_user_input {
    #We want to see if the user types anything, and effect any variable
    #changes also.

    return if ($daemonise); #We are not connected to the console.

    my ($input, $cmd, $variable, @value, $var_name);

    $input = <STDIN>;
    if (defined($input)) {
        ($cmd, $variable, @value) = split(/\s+/, $input);
 #print "cmd: $cmd, var: $variable, val: $value[0]\n";
 if ($cmd =~ /\?/ || $cmd =~ /he/) {  #help
     print "Commands are:\n".<<EO_COMMANDS;
    ?                 - Show these commands.
    show              - Display variable(s).
    set               - Set a variable.
    kill              - Kill a connection.
 } elsif ($cmd =~ /^ex/ || $cmd =~ /^qu/) {   #exit || quit
     print "Use: <ctrl>-C to kill program.\n";
 } elsif ($cmd =~ /^ki/) {
     if ($variable eq "?" || $variable eq "") {
         print "  all\t\tKill all connections.\n";
  print "  <conn>\tKill specified connection.\n";
     } elsif(defined($connections{$variable})) {
     } elsif($variable eq "all") {
     } else {
         print "  No such connection: $variable\n";
 } elsif ($cmd =~ /^sh/) {     #show
     if ($variable eq "?") {
         print "  all\tShow all variables.\n";
  print "  stats\tShow stats on connections.\n";
  print "  ver\tShow current version.\n";
  print "  <var>\tShow specific variable.\n";
     } elsif ($variable eq "all") {
         no strict 'refs'; #Only in this block!
  foreach $var_name (@all_vars) {
      print "$var_name\t".${$var_name}."\n";
  print "forwarders:\n";
  my ($forwarder);
  foreach $forwarder (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %forwarders)) {
      print "  forwarder $forwarder ";
      print "$forwarders{$forwarder}{LOCAL_PORT}:";
      print "$forwarders{$forwarder}{REMOTE_ADDRS}:";
      print "$forwarders{$forwarder}{REMOTE_PORT}\n";
     } elsif ($variable =~ /^st/) {  #stats
         #my ($conn);
  my (@conns) = (keys %connections);
  print "  Total connections: ".($#conns + 1)."\n";
  if ($main::bandwidth) {
      print "  Bandwidth set to: $main::bandwidth bytes / sec.\n";
  } else {
      print "  Bandwidth is not set.\n";
  print "  Forwarding connections for:\n";
     } elsif ($variable =~ /^ver/) {  #version
     } elsif (&is_var($variable)) {
         no strict 'refs'; #Only in this block!
         print "$variable\t".${$variable}."\n";
     } else {
         print "  Incomplete or incorrect command, try: show ?\n";
 } elsif ($cmd =~ /^se/) {   #set
     if ($variable eq "?") {
      print "  <var> <val>\tSet specific variable to a value.\n";
  print "  forwarder\tSet up forwarders.\n";
     } elsif ($value[0] ne "" && &is_var($variable)) {
      no strict 'refs';       #Only in this block!
  ${$variable} = $value[0];
  print "$variable\t".${$variable}."\n";
     } elsif ($variable =~ /^for/) {  #forwarder
         if ($value[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
             if ($value[1] ne "") {     #set forwarder
   my ($lp,$ra,$rp);
   ($lp,$ra,$rp) = split (/:/,$value[1]);
   if ($lp !~ /\d+/ || $rp !~ /\d+/) {
       print "  Bad port values, forwarder not set.\n";
   } else {
       my ($res_addrs) = &resolve($ra);
       if (! $res_addrs) {
           print "  forwarder $value[0] not set.\n";
       } else {
    $forwarders{$value[0]}{LOCAL_PORT} = $lp;
    $forwarders{$value[0]}{REMOTE_ADDRS} = $res_addrs;
    $forwarders{$value[0]}{REMOTE_PORT} = $rp;
    push(@forwarders_queue, $value[0]);
           print "  forwarder $value[0] set.\n";
             } else {       #unset forwarder
       delete ($forwarders{$value[0]});
   print "  forwarder $value[0] deleted.\n";
  } elsif ($value[0] eq "?") {
      print "  set forwarder <n> <local_port>:<remote_addrs>:<remote_port>\n";
  } else {
      print "  Bad forwarder: $value[0], try: set forwarder ?\n";
     } else {
         print "  Incomplete or incorrect command, try: set ?\n";
        print "> ";

#Resolve the parameter, undef returned if unresolved.
sub resolve {
    my ($address) = $_[0];

    my ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs);
    my (@bytes, $asc_addrs);

    print "  Resolving address ($address)..... \n";
    ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($address);

    if (! defined($addrs[0])) {
     print "** Unable to determine ip address for $address\n";
    } else {
        @bytes = unpack("C4",$addrs[0]);
 $asc_addrs = "$bytes[0]\.$bytes[1]\.$bytes[2]\.$bytes[3]";
 print "  .... determined as: $asc_addrs\n";

#Check that the passed parameter is a real variable.
sub is_var {
    my ($var) = $_[0];
    my ($real_var);

    foreach $real_var (@all_vars) {
        return (1) if ($var eq $real_var);

    return (0);  #not real!

sub show_conns {
    my ($conn);
    my (@conns) = (keys %connections);
    foreach $conn (@conns) {

sub show_conn {
    my ($conn) = $_[0];
    my ($smallest_idle) = 0;
    my $time_so_far = $time_now-$connections{$conn}{ESTABLISHED};

    #If both connections are idle, we want the largest time (smallest idle).
    if ( $connections{$conn}{CLNT_IDLE} && $connections{$conn}{SERV_IDLE}) {
        $smallest_idle = ($connections{$conn}{CLNT_IDLE} > $connections{$conn}{SERV_IDLE} ) ? $connections{$conn}{CLNT_IDLE} : $connections{$conn}{SERV_IDLE};
        $smallest_idle = $time_now - $smallest_idle;

    print "    $connections{$conn}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$conn}{CLNT_PORT} -> $connections{$conn}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$conn}{SERV_PORT} ($conn)\n";
    print "        Connection Up: ".&nice_time($time_so_far)." Idle: ".&nice_time($smallest_idle)."\n";
    print "        Bytes transfered: $connections{$conn}{IN_OCTETS} in, $connections{$conn}{OUT_OCTETS} out.\n";
    print "        Data rate       : ";
    printf "%0.2f kB/s in, %0.2f kB/s out.\n",
    print "            (5 sec avg.): ";
    printf "%0.2f kB/s in, %0.2f kB/s out.\n",
     $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_5}, $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_5};
    print "            (1 min avg.): ";
    printf "%0.2f kB/s in, %0.2f kB/s out.\n",
     $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_60}, $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_60};

#Instead of just seconds, convert to days, hours, minutes, secs as neccesary.
sub nice_time {
    my ($data) = $_[0];
    my ($days, $hours, $mins, $secs);
    my ($res);

    $days = int($data/(60*60*24));
    $data = $data-($days*60*60*24);

    $hours = int($data/(60*60));
    $data = $data-($hours*60*60);

    $mins = int($data/(60));
    $data = $data-($mins*60);

    $secs = $data;

    $res="${days} days, " if ($days);
    $res.="${hours} hours, " if ($days || $hours); #YES hours if days are shown!
    $res.="${mins} mins, " if ($days || $hours || $mins);
    $res.="${secs} secs.";

    return ($res);

sub check_dead {
    my ($ckey);

    foreach $ckey (keys %connections) {

        #Check if this connection is idle: (Both sides!)
 if ( $connections{$ckey}{CLNT_IDLE} < ($time_now-$main::idle_out)  &&
      $connections{$ckey}{SERV_IDLE} < ($time_now-$main::idle_out) ) {
     print STDERR "$ckey: Detected idle connection.\n" if $main::debug;

        #Check if this connection is dead: (Any side!)
 if ($connections{$ckey}{CLNT_DEAD} >= $main::dead_count ||
  $connections{$ckey}{SERV_DEAD} >= $main::dead_count) {
     print STDERR "$ckey: Detected closed connection.\n" if $main::debug;

sub forward_data {
    my ($buff, $buff_size, $amount_writen, $tmp_in_amount, $tmp_out_amount);
    my ($cd_size, $sd_size, $d_size, $d_wait); #Used for main::bandwidth shapeing.

    foreach $CURR_CONN (keys %connections) {

        #Read from server.
        $buff = undef;
      if (length($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF}) <= 0) {
        #Only get more data if we are sending it fast enough.
 if( ! sysread($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_HANDLE},$buff,$main::data_size)) {
     #Probably just no data flow
     #$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_IDLE}= $time_now if ($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_IDLE} == 0);
     if ($! == 0) {      #possibly dead connection.
 } else {
     $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF} .= $buff;

 #Send to client.
 $amount_writen = undef;
 $tmp_in_amount = 0;
 $buff_size = length($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF});
 if ($buff_size > 0) {
     $main::KEY_SIGPIPE = $CURR_CONN;
     $amount_writen = syswrite($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_HANDLE},
      $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF}, $main::data_size);
     return if (!defined($connections{$CURR_CONN})); #Must have SIGPIPE'd
     $cd_size = $amount_writen;
     if ($amount_writen == $buff_size) {
         #Happens to be same ammount ... makes it easy
  if ($main::dump_traff) {
      print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} : ".$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF}."\n";
      #print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} : ".quotemeta($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF})."\n";
  $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF} = "";
     } elsif ($amount_writen > 0 && $amount_writen < $buff_size){
         if ($main::dump_traff) {
      print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} : ".substr($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF},0,$amount_writen)."\n";
      #print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} : ".quotemeta(substr($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF},0,$amount_writen))."\n";
      #Have to calculate remaining data.
  $connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_BUFF} =
      $amount_writen, ($buff_size-$amount_writen));
      print STDERR "*** Done client buffer offset...\n" if $main::debug;
     } elsif ($amount_writen < 0){
         #dunno what happened?
         print STDERR "** Unknown syswrite return value: $amount_writen\n" if $main::debug;
     $connections{$CURR_CONN}{IN_OCTETS} += $amount_writen;
     $tmp_in_amount = $amount_writen;

 #Read from client.
        $buff = undef;
      if (length($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF}) <= 0) {
        #Only get more data if we are sending it fast enough.
 if( ! sysread($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_HANDLE},$buff,$main::data_size)) {
     #Probably just no data flow
     #$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_IDLE} = $time_now if ($connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_IDLE} == 0);
     if ($! == 0) {      #possibly dead connection.
 } else {
     $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF} .= $buff;

 #Send to server.
 $amount_writen = undef;
 $tmp_out_amount = 0;
 $buff_size = length($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF});
 if ($buff_size > 0) {
     $main::KEY_SIGPIPE = $CURR_CONN;
     $amount_writen = syswrite($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_HANDLE},
      $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF}, $main::data_size);
     return if (!defined($connections{$CURR_CONN})); #Must have SIGPIPE'd
     $sd_size = $amount_writen;
     if ($amount_writen == $buff_size) {
         #Happens to be same ammount ... makes it easy
  if ($main::dump_traff) {
      print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} : ".$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF}."\n";
      #print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} : ".quotemeta($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF})."\n";
  $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF} = "";
     } elsif ($amount_writen > 0 && $amount_writen < $buff_size){
      #Have to calculate remaining data.
         if ($main::dump_traff) {
      print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} : ".substr($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF},0,$amount_writen)."\n";
      #print "$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{CLNT_PORT} -> $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_ADDRS}:$connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_PORT} : ".quotemeta(substr($connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF},0,$amount_writen))."\n";
  $connections{$CURR_CONN}{SERV_BUFF} =
      $amount_writen, ($buff_size-$amount_writen));
      print STDERR "*** Done server buffer offset: $buff_size $amount_writen\n" if $main::debug;
     } elsif ($amount_writen < 0) {
         #dunno what happened?
         print STDERR "** Unknown syswrite return value: $amount_writen\n" if $main::debug;
     $connections{$CURR_CONN}{OUT_OCTETS} += $amount_writen;
     $tmp_out_amount = $amount_writen;

 #I want to shape all bandwith on all connections, so we pause here
 #dependant on how much data we want to push.

 if ($main::bandwidth) {
     #We shape on the larger: upstream or downstream ... effect is the
     # same.
     $d_size = ($sd_size >= $cd_size) ? $sd_size : $cd_size;
     if ($d_size > 0) {

      #If we want 5Kb / sec, and we sent 500b, we wait (1/(5K/500))
      # ... or 1/10th of a second.
      #if we want 1Kb / sec, and we sent 2Kb, we wait 2 secs!
      $d_wait = (1/($main::bandwidth/$d_size));

  #Skew the wait time by some percentage:
  if ($skew_percent != 0) {
      #print "Was $d_wait -- ";
      $d_wait = $d_wait + ($d_wait*$skew_percent/100);
      #print "Now $d_wait\n";

          select(undef, undef, undef, $d_wait);

 &calculate_rate($CURR_CONN, $tmp_in_amount, $tmp_out_amount);

#This routine is used to calculate the current
#transfer rate.
sub calculate_rate {
    my ($conn, $amount_in, $amount_out) = @_;


    #Skip calculation if less than 1 second since last one.
    return if ($connections{$conn}{LAST_RATE} > $time_now - 1);
    #Ok we must have enough data for a 1 second period.
    $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN} = $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_SUM} / 1024 / ($time_now - $connections{$conn}{LAST_RATE});
    $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT} = $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_SUM} / 1024 / ($time_now - $connections{$conn}{LAST_RATE});

    #lets do a 5 second average.
    $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_5} = ($connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_5} * 4 + $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN}) / 5;
    $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_5} = ($connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_5} * 4 + $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT}) / 5;

    #lets do a 1 minute average
    $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_60} = ($connections{$conn}{RATE_IN_60} * 59 + $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN}) / 60;
    $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_60} = ($connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT_60} * 59 + $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT}) / 60;

    $connections{$conn}{LAST_RATE} = $time_now;

#Calculate the percentage to skew the forwarding
#select by. Range: -25% to +25%, in 5% increments.
#Window of acceptable rate +-100 bytes/sec.
sub set_skew {

    #Not relevant if no bandwidth is set.
    if (! $main::bandwidth) {
        $skew_percent = 0;

    #Skip if we did this less than 1 second ago.
    return if ($last_skew > $time_now - 1);
    $last_skew = $time_now;

    my ($conn, $rate_in, $rate_out, $rate, $no_conn);

    foreach $conn (keys %connections) {
     $rate_in += $connections{$conn}{RATE_IN};
     $rate_out += $connections{$conn}{RATE_OUT};

    if ($no_conn==0) { #no actual connections anyway!
        $skew_percent = 0;

    $rate = ($rate_in > $rate_out) ? $rate_in : $rate_out;
    if ($rate < (($main::bandwidth-100)/1024)) {
        $skew_percent -= 5 if ($skew_percent > -25);
    } elsif ($rate > (($main::bandwidth+200)/1024)) {
        $skew_percent += 5 if ($skew_percent < 25);
    #print "Skew: $skew_percent\n";

sub close_connect {
    my ($ckey) = $_[0];

    if (defined($ckey)) {
        #Just disconnect this key.
 if (defined ($connections{$ckey})) {
     shutdown ($connections{$ckey}{CLNT_HANDLE}, 2);
     shutdown ($connections{$ckey}{SERV_HANDLE}, 2);
     delete $connections{$ckey};
     print STDERR "$ckey: Connection closed.\n" if $main::debug;
 } else {
     #connection does not exist.
    } else {
        #Do all keys.
 my ($key);
 foreach $key (keys %connections) {
     shutdown ($connections{$key}{CLNT_HANDLE}, 2);
     shutdown ($connections{$key}{SERV_HANDLE}, 2);
     delete $connections{$key};
     print STDERR "$key: Connection closed.\n" if $main::debug;

sub check_connect {
    my ($forwarder, $client_address);

  #We check for a connection on all forwarders that have a listen socket.
  foreach $forwarder (keys (%forwarders)) {
    next if (! defined($forwarders{$forwarder}{PAS_SOCK}));

    my ($ip_addr, $paddr, $loc_paddr);
    my ($pas_sock) = $forwarders{$forwarder}{PAS_SOCK};
    my ($remote_addrs) = $forwarders{$forwarder}{REMOTE_ADDRS};
    my ($remote_port) = $forwarders{$forwarder}{REMOTE_PORT};
    my ($fail_msg) = "Failed to connect to: $remote_addrs:$remote_port\n";
    my ($clnt_ref) = new FileHandle;     #keep scope local, if not "accepted";
    my ($serv_ref) = new FileHandle;     #keep scope local, if not "accepted";

    #NB, we are non-blocking.
    if (($client_address = accept($clnt_ref, $pas_sock)) ) {
     # if we get here, we have a new connection from a client.

 fcntl($clnt_ref , F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #dont make our socket "block"
     autoflush $clnt_ref 1;          #make unbuffered

 my($clnt_port,$clnt_iaddr) = sockaddr_in($client_address);
 print STDERR "- Received connect from ".inet_ntoa($clnt_iaddr)."\n" if $main::debug;
 $ip_addr = inet_aton($remote_addrs);
 $paddr = sockaddr_in($remote_port, $ip_addr);
 if (! socket ($serv_ref, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))) {
     syswrite($clnt_ref, $fail_msg, length($fail_msg));
     print STDERR "* Failed to get socket to server for ".inet_ntoa($clnt_iaddr).", closeing client socket - out of sockets?: $!\n" if $main::debug;
     shutdown($clnt_ref, 2);
 if ($main::force_from) {
  $loc_paddr = sockaddr_in(0, inet_aton($main::force_from));
 } else {
  $loc_paddr = sockaddr_in(0, inet_aton(INADDR_ANY));
 bind($serv_ref, $loc_paddr); #So we originate on any address!
     #Handy for multihomed/aliases server.
 if (connect ($serv_ref, $paddr)) {
     fcntl($serv_ref, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #dont "block"
            autoflush $serv_ref;          #make unbuffered
         setsockopt($serv_ref, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, 4096); #max send buffer
         #setsockopt($serv_ref, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, 0); #max send buffer
         setsockopt($serv_ref, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, 4096); #max recv buffer
     print STDERR "- Connected to server on: $remote_addrs:$remote_port\n" if $main::debug;
 } else {
     syswrite($clnt_ref, $fail_msg, length($fail_msg));
     print STDERR "* Failed to connect to server on: $remote_addrs:$remote_port for ".inet_ntoa($clnt_iaddr).", closeing client socket: $!\n" if $main::debug;
     shutdown($clnt_ref, 2);

 $conn_key++; #New key for new connection:
 $connections{$conn_key}{CLNT_HANDLE} = $clnt_ref;
 $connections{$conn_key}{CLNT_ADDRS} = inet_ntoa($clnt_iaddr);
 $connections{$conn_key}{CLNT_PORT} = $clnt_port;
 $connections{$conn_key}{CLNT_IDLE} = $time_now;
 $connections{$conn_key}{CLNT_DEAD} = 0;
 $connections{$conn_key}{SERV_HANDLE} = $serv_ref;
 $connections{$conn_key}{SERV_ADDRS} = $remote_addrs;
 $connections{$conn_key}{SERV_PORT} = $remote_port;
 $connections{$conn_key}{SERV_IDLE} = $time_now;
 $connections{$conn_key}{SERV_DEAD} = 0;
 $connections{$conn_key}{ESTABLISHED} = $time_now;
 $connections{$conn_key}{LAST_RATE} = $time_now;
 $connections{$conn_key}{RATE_IN} = 0;
 $connections{$conn_key}{RATE_OUT} = 0;
 $connections{$conn_key}{IN_OCTETS} = 0;
 $connections{$conn_key}{OUT_OCTETS} = 0;

 print STDERR "$conn_key: Connection established between ".inet_ntoa($clnt_iaddr)." and $remote_addrs:$remote_port\n";

#Ok see if any "forwaders" are queued for a passive "listen" socket.
sub check_new_forwarders {

    return if ($#forwarders_queue < 0);  #None in queue.

    my ($forwarder, %delete_from_queue);

    foreach $forwarder (@forwarders_queue) {

 #skip this forwarder if attempted a short time ago.
 next if ($forwarders{$forwarder}{NEXT_ATTEMPT} > $time_now);

 #These scoped variables defined here for effeciency.
        my ($ip_addr, $listen_socket);
        my ($local_port, $bind_attempt);

        my ($listen_ref) = new FileHandle;     #keep scope local, if not "accepted";

     if ($main::local_addrs) { #Check for specific listen address.
            $ip_addr = inet_aton($main::local_addrs);
         $listen_socket = sockaddr_in($local_port, $ip_addr);
     } else {
         $listen_socket = sockaddr_in($local_port, INADDR_ANY);

     #Setup our passive socket.
        socket($listen_ref, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) ||
                        die ("No more sockets? : $!\n");

     if (! bind ($listen_ref, $listen_socket) ) {
     print STDERR "** forwarder $forwarder failed bind to local port: $main::local_addrs:$local_port, waiting .... ($bind_attempt/$max_listen_bind_attempts)\n";
     if ($bind_attempt >= $max_listen_bind_attempts) {
  print STDERR "** forwarder $forwarder failed bind: $main::local_addrs:$local_port exceeded max bind attempts ($max_listen_bind_attempts), deleting.\n";     
     $forwarders{$forwarder}{NEXT_ATTEMPT} = $time_now + 5; #Wait 5 secs.
     $forwarders{$forwarder}{ATTEMPT} = $bind_attempt;

     listen($listen_ref, $qlen);

     fcntl($listen_ref, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #dont make our socket "block"
     autoflush $listen_ref 1;          #make unbuffered

     setsockopt($listen_ref, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, 4096); #max receive buffer.
     #setsockopt($listen_ref, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, 0); #max receive buffer.
     setsockopt($listen_ref, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, 4096); #max send buffer.

     print STDERR "Passive socket setup on $main::local_addrs:$local_port\n" if $main::debug;

 $forwarders{$forwarder}{PAS_SOCK} = $listen_ref;

    #Remove forwarders to be deleted.
    my $old_queue = [ @forwarders_queue ];
    foreach $forwarder (@{$old_queue}) {
        next if ($forwarder eq ""); #Sheesh!
        if (! defined($delete_from_queue{$forwarder})) {
            push (@forwarders_queue, $forwarder);

sub _pipe_handler {
   #We were called 'cause a pipe has died, and we wrote to it.
   #Shutdown Client and Server ends, and reset $connected.

   print STDERR "${main::KEY_SIGPIPE}: Caught SIGPIPE, shutting down client and server connections.\n" if $main::debug;

   shutdown ($connections{$main::KEY_SIGPIPE}{CLNT_HANDLE}, 2);
   shutdown ($connections{$main::KEY_SIGPIPE}{SERV_HANDLE}, 2);
   delete $connections{$main::KEY_SIGPIPE};

sub cleanup_handler {
    my($signal) = @_;
    $SIG{$signal} = 'IGNORE';      #prevent re-SIGing

    print STDERR "Caught sig ($signal), closeing all connections.\n";
    &close_connect(undef);       #Close all connections

    sleep 1;
    sleep 1;
    exit 0;